Review Policy

Welcome to Words May Kill You, and if your looking at this page, your probably want me to review your book, or form of work. Now, I don't have many things to say, but I open to whatever story is out there, and I will give my honest opinion, even though sometimes I feel bad saying something about a book. But I'm not one of those person who would bash and tell bad thing about the book, I will simply say what didn't grab my attention, and say what can be improve. I know writing is difficult, trust me I know.

I usually only read YA and some MG, and most of them deal with Paranormal elements, but I'm open to contemporary, romance fiction, even erotic if it deals with paranormal society or something like that. I also love Dystopian, and historical fictions. Like I say, I love paranormal, but if you believe you're book is interesting and you want me to review it, no matte what. Don't be afraid to ask, I won't tell you that I will have all the reviews up and quickly into the blog since there's a lot of books, and I do live a busy life. But I will post the review no matter what.

Oh, and I'm open to e-books too, even though I'm not to excited with it comes to that since I like feeling the pages, and the size of the book. 
So if you guys want me to review: email me at:
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